Hotel Bed Bug Treatment Options
Hotels and hostels can be highly susceptible to problem species such as bed bugs due to the transient nature of the customer base.
Outbreaks are easy to get, and very difficult and expensive to solve, and they cause great distress to customers, and serious damage to brand and reputation.
Our system allows you to protect your beds by fully encasing them, taking away the key harbourage and egg laying points for bed bugs and meaning that if you do get an outbreak, you should not have worry about throwing your mattresses and bed bases away.
The Sure-Guard waterproof mattress encasements are silky soft, cool and breathable, but are fully waterproof. They thus keep the mattress pristine underneath by stopping unwanted stains, spillages, accidents etc ever getting through to the mattress, directly saving you money by extending mattress life.

To monitor for bed bugs, use our Cimexine Bed bug Monitoring Traps – they simply slide under the bed at the headboard and are simple and quick to set and monitor. they can be very quickly checked once a week as part of the normal room cleaning routine, without the cleaning staff having to risk coming into contact with any bugs.
If there are no bugs in the monitor, it can be simply slid back into its holder. If there are, you have spotted the outbreak early before it’s had a chance to become an infestation and it’s time to give us a call so we can kill them with heat treatment, GUARANTEED!